SketchBook Mobile
Version: 2.0
Compatible: iPhone, iPod, iPad - iOS 4.0
Price: $2
I reviewed the iPad version of SketchBook to much ass kissing/kicking and labelled it the essential staple of the Canvas Apps for the iPad. But what about it’s older little Brother? I’ll be honest, this App and the original Touch was my vision of a paperless future for my personal self. Since High School I’ve been the type to take about a Dollar Store Notepad with me everywhere. I jotted down notes and doodles for later. The Notepads coils would always get bent and eventually eat away at the paper until paper came flying about.
To this day I have a big pile of notes I have to type and digitize so that I can finally chuck them out for good. I think I got a bit off track. My dream was for the slick touch in my pocket to have my doodles in one App, Notes in another all in one place without the pocket lint or giant amount of typing piling up. I’m proud to say I’m getting closer to that dream and would like to show my previous self the iPad and blow his puny little mind away.
I used to use this App extensively when reaching for the iPad would be a nuisance (breaks at work or waiting at a bus stop for 5 minutes without a bench) with my Pogo Stylus on an iPhone 3G. The amount I could possibly do with it is quite astonishing. It takes getting used to the screen size and there’s a slight learning curve but you can take your doodling to another level with this. If you have an older iOS device be gentle, it’ll lag when you do a lot of painting. Be nice to it and it’ll be nice to you.
When I upgraded to the iPhone 4, it took my preexisting sketches and expanded the canvas to twice the size and gave me twice the layers. The layers were helpful but I can’t get used to the giant canvas. It’s like looking through a 3D TV which has a massive room projected. You have the better capacity for zoom and I’m sure some would welcome the change with the power but I was essentially looking for a notepad to draw on.
My main gripe but it’s to be expected with the screen real estate is the cluttered tools. It’s tiresome to change the tools, layers, etc but with only a pencil tool and zooming, you get some great results.
To tie it all up with a little pink ribbon, this is as good as it gets in my opinion for Sketching Apps on the iPhone/iPod. Once you get this, you’ll see no reason to drift off and search for any other (although I have yet to dabble with Brushes on the smaller scale but it’s $5. WTF!) Once again I advise the use of a stylus. I always have one with me purely for the Sketching/Graphic Design aspects of my Tech Setup but if you only want to do some finger painting prepare for frustration.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
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