Awesome Note (+Todo)
Version: 5.03
Compatible: iPhone, iPod, iPad - iOS 3.0
Price: $4
In the days before iPhones and touch screens I never went anywhere without a notepad. Whether it was to remember something to do later, an idea or just any general thought to keep handy, I had to make a note of it. Gradually I required to preserve such creative thoughts because you never know when it’ll come in handy but having many notepads and sheets of paper becomes annoying. In an increasingly paperless world, I choose to find my own way to keep it all in one place at my own convenience. Enter Awesome Note.
Before I used SimpleNote. Before that I just had numerous typed .txt files on my computer. SimpleNote left an element of dependancy on a cloud based server somewhere far away and I’m a control freak with my information access. Awesome Note is perfect for people like me because I can set up all my notes with a myriad of options.
For starters you can setup folders to categorize notes in a manor that suits you best. These folders can have notes take a certain theme (colour, background, text size, font.) You can even add tags to each of them for increased accessibility.
I say I like this App best because of the options it gives me. I prefer control over specific back up and files such as these, to me it’s a one way road that doesn’t need to be accessed through my MacBook or iPad but I like having the option. Sending information from Awesome Note can be done in a number of ways. You can text, e-mail or print if you wish. And if you do want to back it up to the cloud it is compatible with Evernote and Google.
Personally I like to save it and remove the back up file during my weekly iTunes sync session that way if the worst somehow happens I’ll only be bad for 6 days worth of data.
Notes take a certain number of shapes too. It can be a diary entry, to do list or an event listing. To put it bluntly how much I love, use and cherish said App right now, it’s permanently placed on my iPhone Dock so you can imagine that I’m quite biased in its favour. On the negative scale I can’t really see anything wrong with a note taking App. There’s nothing really that was screwed up here. If I really had to say something it would be that the screen is convoluted but it does so with elegance. Everything on the screen is necessary.
In the end if you have a need to take down little tidbits and such and require control or access to this information I highly recommend Awesome Note. It brings accessibility and simplicity to something I’ve been doing since High School. The way I see it is I no longer buy small notepads anymore so the one time fee of $4 is more than welcome the more I use it.
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